About me

Hello everyone!

My name is Essi and I am 25-year-old Finnish crafter who lives for everything creative. I fangirl over several things such as Star Wars and Disney, and I try to incorporate these passions into almost everything I make, hence the title “sanctuary of a crafty fangirl”! The word “Dust” in the name of this blog comes from a series called His dark materials, and the concept of Dust is one of the things that keep me exploring arts further and further.

My sewing/crafting philosophy is that everything can be made yourself if you are willing to think freely. Environmental issues are also close to my maker’s heart so I try to recycle, reuse and make as little waste as I can on the way. Even though I have now graduated, I still like to keep my crafting budgets as low as possible.

I’ve come to realize that having a family and a career limits heavily the time one can invest into hobbies. Still from time to time I manage to find a short moment for myself when I can just sit down and reflect on all the things I’ve created. If it’s been long since my last appearance here, it means I’m finding it hard to make room in my calendar for writing. I’m still returning to blogging as soon as I can.

I can be reached at dustnfabrics[at]gmail.com if you have anything to ask about this blog or any of the things I’ve created.

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